Natureal Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
This privacy policy (“PRIVACY POLICY”) applies to your use of the Natureal website located at (“Natureal” or “WEBSITE”), and Natureal applications on mobile platforms (Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, iOS etc), but does not apply to any third-party websites that may be linked to them, or any relationships you may have with them.

The terms "WE"“OUR” and "US" refer to Natureal and the terms "YOU""YOUR" and “USER” refer to you, as a user of Natureal. The term "PERSONAL INFORMATION" means information that you provide to us which personally identifies you to be contacted or identified, such as your name, phone number, email address, and any other data that is tied to such information. Our practices and procedures in relation to the collection and use of Personal Information have been set-out below in order to ensure safe usage of the Website for you.

We have implemented reasonable security practices and procedures that are commensurate with the information assets being protected and with the nature of our business. While we try our best to provide security that is better than the industry standards, because of the inherent vulnerabilities of the internet, we cannot ensure or warrant complete security of all information that is being transmitted to us by you. By visiting this Website, you agree and acknowledge to be bound by this Privacy Policy and you hereby consent that we will collect, use, process and share your Personal Information in the manner set out herein below. If you do not agree with these terms, do not use Natureal.

It is clarified that the terms and conditions that are provided separately, form an integral part of your use of this Website and should be read in conjunction with this Privacy Policy.


The policy is drafted to ensure you understand the use of website, the information collected, use and the terms of the company and the subsidiary companies associated with the website. The policy governs the Company's right to collect, use and store all information provided by You on the website or other websites related to the parent site. The Company is NOT responsible for any information You share on third party websites which you may be directed to while on the site. Providing personal information on the website confirms you are in consent to submit the information in order for the website to serve you better.


Collection of Information

Direct user information: All the information you provide to the Company is collected and stored as Personal Information. This information includes your name, email address, billing address, security number, and credit or debit card information, banking information, contact numbers and other information which you might have to provide in order for the website to serve you better.


The Company might conduct various surveys from time to time. These surveys are not mandatory and filled in by you voluntarily. The information provided in a survey should be personal contact information and no confidential such as your banking details will ever be requested during surveys. A survey is conducted to help the Company improve services and serve you better. Basic survey information will include name, age, gender, salary, marital status, interests and other basic information. The information provided for a survey is kept confidential with the Company and this information is NOT sold to a third party. Filling up a survey is a user’s choice and is not mandatory.

Third Party Information:

The Company collects personal information you provide during your visit on the website and your interaction with third party websites. This information includes, but is not limited to name, email address, billing address, telephone numbers, DOB and other such information. The website will intimidate you before collecting such information and you can choose to opt out of providing this information at any given point by emailing us at: [email protected].

Other Information Collection:

The Company collects information on several other occasions that include online prizes, email assistance, contact forms and subscription to the newsletter.


"Cookies" are referred to browser software that is present in all computers. If the cookie settings are enabled they manage to transfer small amounts of data from your computer to the website server. Cookies help to track your location and help you access the website in a better and more precise manner. Cookies can configure the website according to your preference and these cookies also help to recognize repeat visitors. You can choose to disable the cookie settings; however, the website will not function properly in such cases. You have the right to accept or reject cookie settings, however in order to use the website properly you need to accept the cookie settings.

Web Beacons:

This programming code enables you to view images on the website. The web beacons also help to transfer unique identification to a database and this enables the website to recognize return visitors. This system enables the Company to track various websites you visit and understand your requirement better. This is essentially used to track online behavior of a user and enables the website to serve you better.

IP Address:

Your IP address is automatically tracked based on your behavior on the website. This information enables the Company to judge users based on various interests, demographics and locations. This helps the Company understand your requirement in a better manner. This information includes the Internet Protocol (IP) which is unique just like a billing address for every user. This information essentially helps identifying your geographical location.

Computer Profiles:

Anonymous information might be collected from your computer which enables the Company to analyze your interest and thus helps to provide better services to the user. Various people use different gadgets to access the internet. Computer profiles help to adjust the website screen resolution to match your preference. Once you provide personal information to the site, the Company will recognize and identify you.

Data Analysis:

The data collected may be analyzed from time to time in case if required by a client of the company or required by the state of law.


Technology is fast changing and the Company strives hard to keep up to the latest trends. This may include certain changes in the privacy policy. You are encouraged to revisit this page from time to time. The Company does not collect any information from individuals below the age of eighteen (18) years. Any information collected from individuals below this age bracket will be deleted from the website.

Banking Information and Details:

Certain banking information including your credit card information is collected by the Company while placing an order for products. The company has an association with a verified payment gateway that ensures all payments are safe and any information provided is highly confidential and secure. The information is not shared with the employees of the company and only a small group of highly authorized personnel have access to this information.


General Use:

Given below are we describing how we use the personal information provided by you to help serve you better. Please note - The information here can be updated or changed at any given point in time. The information provided here can be used for various purposes such as email marketing, telephonic marketing, mobile marketing and offer promotions.

Email and Unsubscribe Policy:

The company may use the email address provided by you to send you various promotional emails. There are various email lists maintained that are used for various promotional purposes. You can choose to unsubscribe from these emails by simply clicking on the unsubscribe link that is present at the bottom of each email. Unsubscribing from the list will automatically delete your email from the database and you will not receive any future promotional emails unless you subscribe to the services again.

Content of Email Messages:

There are a number of email messages you could receive from various third-party websites. You need to unsubscribe from those emails by following the link mentioned at the bottom of those emails. The Company is not responsible for third party emails that you receive.

Solicited Emails:

The Company sends you emails if you have subscribed to the website and the services. While Promotional emails can be unsubscribed from, the ones that are sent as a confirmation to your purchase and other such details are compulsory emails and you cannot unsubscribe from those mails.


If you contact us to provide feedback, register a complaint, or ask a question, we will record any Personal Information and other content that you provide in your communication so that we can effectively respond to your communication.


We record information relating to your use of Natureal, such as the searches you undertake, the pages you view, your browser type, IP address, location, requested URL, referring URL, and timestamp information. We use this type of information to administer Natureal and provide the highest possible level of security and service to you. We also use this information in the aggregate to perform statistical analyses of User behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of Natureal. However, you cannot be identified from this aggregate information.

We own all the intellectual property rights associated with the Website and its contents. No right, title or interest in any downloaded material is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading or copying. The Website is protected by copyright as a collective work and/ or compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all the content on this Website, pursuant to applicable law.

Our logos, product and service marks and/ or names, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property, whether registered or not (“Our IP”) are exclusively owned by us. Without our prior written permission, you agree to not display and/ or use Our IP in any manner. Nothing contained in this Website or the content, should be construed as granting, in any way to the User, any license or right or interest whatsoever, in and/ or to Our IP, without our express written permission.

Transfer of Information:

We do not share your Personal Information with any third party apart from financial institutions such as banks, RBI or other regulatory agencies (as may be required) and to provide you with services that we offer through Natureal, conduct quality assurance testing, facilitate creation of accounts, provide technical and customer support, or provide specific services, such as synchronization of your contacts with other software applications, in accordance with your instructions. These third parties are required not to use your Personal Information other than to provide the services requested by you.

We may share your Personal Information with our parent company, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under a common control (collectively, "AFFILIATES") that we may have now or in the future, in which case we will require them to honor this Privacy Policy. If another company acquires our company or our assets, that company will possess your Personal Information, and will assume the rights and obligations with respect to that information as described in this Privacy Policy. We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties in a good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) take action regarding suspected illegal activities; (b) enforce or apply our terms and conditions and Privacy Policy; (c) comply with legal process, such as a search warrant, court order; or (d) protect our rights, reputation, and property, or that of our Users, affiliates, or the public.

We may disclose information in the aggregate to third parties relating to User behavior in connection with actual or prospective business relationship with those third parties, such as advertisers and content distributors. For example, we may disclose the number of Users that have been exposed to, or clicked on, advertising banners.


Your account is password protected. We use industry standard measures to protect the Personal Information that is stored in our database. We limit the access to your Personal Information to those employees and contractors who need access to perform their job function, such as our customer service personnel.

You hereby acknowledge that Natureal is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via the internet, and you hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information in any unauthorized manner.

Terms and Modifications to this Privacy policy:

Our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time without notice. To make sure you are aware of any changes, please review this policy periodically. These changes will be effective immediately on the Users of Natureal. Please note that at all times you are responsible for updating your Personal Information, including to provide us with your most current e-mail address.

If you do not wish to permit changes in our use of your Personal Information, you must notify us promptly that you wish to deactivate your account with us. Continued use of website after any change/ amendment to this Privacy Policy shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.

Applicable Law:

Your use of this Website will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. The Users agree that any legal action or proceedings arising out of your use may be brought exclusively in the competent courts/ tribunals having jurisdiction at Delhi in India and irrevocably submit themselves to the jurisdiction of such courts/ tribunals.

Complaints and Grievance Redressal:

Any complaints or concerns in relation to your Personal Information or content of this Website or comment or breach of use of the Website or any intellectual property of any User shall be immediately informed to the designated Grievance Officervia mail sat: [email protected] or call us at 01244507500